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Meet Tom Wentworth

Dr. Tom Wentworth is a plant community ecologist and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at North Carolina State University. He has been a member of ESA’s Panel for Vegetation Classification since 2016 and is also a member of its Executive Committee, which helps direct the panel’s priorities and activities. Since first joining ESA in 1974, he has been a member of the Southeastern Chapter and the Vegetation Section.

Tom represents ESA as a member of the Plant Science Research Network (PSRN) Steering Committee. He currently serves on a PSRN subcommittee that is promoting the Plant Science Decadal Vision as a means to influence policies and funding in support of the plant sciences. He was part of the writing team for the Decadal Vision 2020-2030 and organized an Inspire Session about it at the 2020 ESA Annual Meeting.