ORNL-led team recognized for impactful sustainability research

by Karen K Dunlap, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

An analysis published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and led by researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has received the 2021 Sustainability Science Award from the Ecological Society of America.

The Sustainability Science Award recognizes the authors of a scholarly work that make a substantial contribution to the emerging science of ecosystem and regional sustainability through the integration of ecological and social sciences. The researchers will be recognized during the society’s annual meeting in August.

“This work exemplifies how ORNL’s interdisciplinary research in environmental and geospatial science helps equip decision makers with the tools needed to move our nation toward a more sustainable future,” said Stan Wullschleger, associate laboratory director for ORNL’s Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate.

Read more here: https://www.ornl.gov/news/ornl-led-team-recognized-impactful-sustainability-research#:~:text=An%20analysis%20published%20in%20the,the%20Ecological%20Society%20of%20America.