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Webinar: Outside the Mainstream: Alternative Science Career Paths


Outside the Mainstream: Alternative Science Career Paths

Thursday, May 5th, 2-3 p.m. EDT


The UCS Science Network, in conjunction with the Ecological Society of America’s Student Section (ESA SS), invites you to a Science Network Workshop Series webinar on exploring diverse science careers.

Ecology provides the foundation for a broad array of career pathways in academic, government, non-profit, and private sectors. However, graduate training in ecology is, by definition, an academic endeavor.  This can lead to an inherent limitation in which graduate students are not provided the skills needed for success in non-academic or next-generation careers and lack opportunities and models for career advancement.

In this webinar we will provide activities and information to help students explore next-generation careers. After presenting some general tips to help students prepare for diverse jobs, we will discuss pertinent next-generation job search engines and how to use them. The workshop will conclude with a career panel in which participants will hear about the experiences of ecologists who have taken diverse career paths as well as have the opportunity to ask the panelists questions. 


  • Jillian Cohen, conservation program analyst at US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS);
  • Mamie Parker, secretary on Chesapeake Conservancy Board of Directors, formerly first African American USFWS regional director
  • Troy Rahmig, manager at ICF International Consulting Group.