G. David Tilman

G. David Tilman
Born:  Aurora, IL 7/2/1949 (as Titman; name changed in 1976)
Education:  Michigan (B.S. 1979; Ph.D. 1976)
Dissertation title:  Interspecific competition for resources: An experimental and theoretical study.
Advisor: Peter Kilham (C)
Comments: “I was also greatly influenced by Steve Hubbell and John Vandermeer when I was an undergraduate and graduate student, by Susan Kilham, Nelson Hairston, and Dan Janzen as a graduate student, and by Robert May and Paul Ehrlich as a young faculty member.”
Teaching History:  Minnesota 1984-present; UC Santa Barbara 2011-present
Ph. D. Students: Val Smith, Robert Sterner, James Grover, David Wedin  Nancy Collins Johnson,  John Lichter, Evan Siemann, Elena Litchman, Clarence Lehman, Chris Klausmeier, Charles Mitchell, Joseph Fargione, Stan Harpole
Others influenced: (Post-Doctoral Researchers): Richard Inouye, Nancy Huntly, John Pastor, Don Zak, Scott Gleeson, Scott Wilson, Mark Ritchie, Kaoru Kitajima, Walter Carson, Johannes Knops, Bryan Foster , Nick Haddad, Jason Hill , Dario Fornara, Forest Isbell
ESA offices and honors:  Cooper Award 1989; MacArthur Award 1996; Fellow 2012
ESA links: Cooper Award | MacArthur Award
External links: Wikipedia | UMN bio