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2017 Education Share Fair Roundtables




Table #A1

Is Chocolate for the Birds?

Kathryn Bylsma, Sunlake High School / Pasco County Schools

Audience: Grades 9-12

” Is chocolate for the birds?” This Data Nugget is an ideal way for students to implement their wildlife and systems management strategies.

The resource that I will present is called ‘ Birds and Chocolate’ whose purpose is the address the Florida state benchmarks, SC.912.L.17.16 and SC.912.L.17.20 regarding human impacts on ecological systems. How has the development of agricultural techniques impacted the abundance and diversity of birds in rain forests of South America. By analyzing three different sets of avian data, students have the opportunity to implement both wildlife and systems management strategies. Using

Table #A2

Using Authentic Research Data Of Dry Scrubs Guãnica Forest Plot To Reach Ecological Concepts

Glenda Almodovar-Morales, Fine Arts Specialized School

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

This activity promote the use of environmental variables data collected by students in Dry Scrub Guanica Forest Plot as part of a long term ecological research (LTER) in the Guanica State Forest.

Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to establish a database as part of a long term ecological research (LTER) at dry scrub forest plot in the Guanica State Forest. Started in 2009 as part of Luquillo LTER Schoolyard Program.

Learning Objectives: Promote k-12 curriculum development in STEM. improve teacher and students training in environmental science and in particularly in tropical forestry ecology.  Foment data analysis to prepare poster or oral presentation with the research results to he community

Subject areas: Science, Environmental Education, STEM, Green hours

Concepts: Forest, biotic factors, abiotics factors, environmental variables, environment, biomes, disturbance, succession

Participants skills: No experience required.

Materials: Previous data sets, photos, forest map, illustrations, paper, pencils

Optional: Thermometer, humidity soil meter, weather meter, camera

Methodology: Provide to your students differents photos and illustrations of the plot.  Ask questions about the biome that form part. For example, How think about the biotic and abiotic factors in the studt area?  Using several measurements provided  in a table can be used to characterize the abiotic environment of the study plot. All measurements will be taken in different years.  Provide your students with several class periods to analyze data, construct graphs, share data within their work groups and make your final report

Extension: Make a field trip study to collected data to compare with the dry scrub forest plot in Guanica State Forest.

Table #A3

Using the Michigan Natural Features Inventory to Observe Human Impact on Habitats, Plant and Animal Species

Leah Cook, Davenport University

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

Michigan Natural Features Inventory is a resource that can be easily adapted to provide updated information on Michigan ecological habitats, plant and animal species. Coupling this resource with a population density map, the World Population resources, and US Climate Data will provide several opportunities to discuss how habitats and species can be impacted by humans.

Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI) is a state-wide resource provided by Michigan State University Extension. They organize their data using county data, plant or animal species. With other assignments, I have found that their maps provide interesting history and the site is user-friendly.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the participant more tools to discover Michigan biodiversity and communities. The student will navigate through a website and analyze their findings. Students will learn about local ecological habitats and the organisms that have been identified in that particular county. The website may be a new resource that can provide summarized information about geographical areas, animal and plant species. A population density map will also be provided to help guide the discussion of human impact on species and their federal and state status. This resource will provide teachers a list of common Midwest animal and plant species. In addition, this resource coupled with population density map and weather can provide a rich discussion of the diverse ecological habitats, animal and plant species.

Table #A4

Welcome to Pleistocene Park – A rewilding case study

April Conkey, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

Lesson: Students apply the rewilding concept to a Pleistocene Park scenario and propose management recommendations.  Concepts: trophic cascades, apex predators, human-related extinctions, restoring endangered species populations, ecological niche and species requirements, ecosystem function and restoration, game ranches, and human-wildlife conflict.

The purpose of this lesson is for undergraduate students to apply the rewilding concept to a proposed Pleistocene Park scenario and propose management recommendations.  The students will be able to 1) recognize and apply ecological concepts presented in a scientific article about Pleistocene rewilding, 2) research and explain natural history information on an existing species that might serve as an ecological proxy for a large mammal species that was present in North America during the Pleistocene, and 3) propose management recommendations and limitations for introducing the proxy species to a proposed Pleistocene Park.  Concepts that can be discussed with this lesson include trophic cascades, apex predators, extinctions related to human causes, restoring endangered species populations, ecological niche and species requirements, ecosystem function and restoration, game ranches, and human-wildlife conflict.  In the Fair-Share, I will present copies of the journal article, assignment, and PowerPoint presentation and share how the students work in groups to develop a management plan for their proxy species that they present to the stakeholders (the rest of the class).

Table #A5

Scaffolding CER for Differentiation

Jennifer Barnes, Marietta High School

Audience: Grades 9-12

How to scaffold a CER  (Claim Evidence Reasoning) for multi-level learners in an inclusion biology classroom using HHMI Biointeractive Evolution resources.

The resource will demonstrate how scaffolds can be used for different levels of students to construct a scientific argument. Data used from HHMI Biointeractive Evolution resources to address the concept of Natural Selection. Participants will gain insight into how this has been used in a multi-level inclusion classroom. Materials specific to the resource will be provided as well as ideas on how to develop for other topics/concepts.

Table #A6

Surface area to volume ratios and their importance

Jennifer Buntz, Dine College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

There are many examples of cells that do not conform to the circle or rectangle used to depict animal or plant cells in introductory biology classes.  One reason for these modifications is to maximize diffusion and/or absorption.  I will present calculations, graphing, simple labs and some human anatomy examples, that can be used to discuss surface area to volume ratios and their importance.  If you have experience teaching this topic, please come ready to share; my goal is to further develop this lession so that students develop a deeper understanding of this topic.

Table #A7

Ticks, climate and invasions

Andrea Davalos, SUNY Cortland

Audience: Undergraduate: Upper Division

Human activity has resulted in loss of biodiversity and unintended negative results on human well-being.  In this course, students will explore the relationship among biodiversity, climate change and human health through the design and implementation of a simple experiment evaluating black-legged tick survival.

Human activity is a dominant influence on climate and multiple ecosystem processes, resulting in loss of biodiversity and unintended negative results on human well-being.  In this course, students will explore the relationship among biodiversity, climate change and human health.  Lyme disease, a serious condition prevalent in Northeastern North America, is caused by a bacteria carried by black-legged ticks.  Tick abundance is affected by climatic factors, abundance of hosts (mice, deer, etc.) and vegetation structure (for example, presence of invasive plants).  During the spring semester, students will explore the effect of snowfall on overwinter tick survival.  We will select a wooded site close to campus and assign half of the area to a snow removal treatment, while snowfall will not be manipulated in the remaining area.  We will harvest live ticks (with the aid of deer hunters), place them into gauze bags and secure bags into study areas.  We will assess tick survival between treatments in March.  Students will present results in written and oral format and will develop a follow up experiment based on their results (proposal).  The experiment may be expanded by adding additional sites or exploring other factors, such as presence of invasive plants, in particular of Berberis or Honeysuckle (both species associated with higher tick abundance).  Experiment will be paired with scientific literature discussions once per week.

This course will provide hands-on experience in the design and implementation and analysis of a basic experiment.  Students will experience the process of scientific inquiry, from development of a scientific question through data analysis to interpretation of results.   By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Design, plan and implement experiments based on scientific hypotheses.
  • Evaluate and discuss effects of human activities on human health and ecosystem processes
  • Effectively communicate scientific results in oral and written form.

Table #A8

The effects of DFTD on Tasmanian devil life history

Maria Stanko, New Jersey Instute of Technology

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Researchers have been investigating changes in life history of Tasmanian devil populations as a result of the spread of Devil Facial Tumor Disease (DFTD). Students use examples from scientific literature to reinforce concepts about life history, create figures from data, and interpret graphical information.

Description/Methodology: This case study exploring effects of DFTD on life history of Tasmanian devils is designed as an active-learning exercise.  Students work in class in small groups and periodically share their conclusions with the entire class.  In Part 1, students discuss questions about the life history characteristics of Tasmanian devils before DFTD to reinforce life history concepts and terms.  In Part 2, students interpret figures from Jones et al. 2008. PNAS 105:1002310027 to compare characteristics of males and females of different age classes in several populations before and after the arrival of DFTD.  In Part 3, students use data extracted from Lachish et al. 2009. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:427-436 to create graphs.  All groups are provided with the same dataset, but each group is assigned a different pattern to emphasize.  Students discuss the relative merits of different ways to represent data as well as the conclusions that can be drawn about changes to the life history characteristics of the population as DFTD spread.

Learning objectives:  Characterize the life history traits of Tasmanian devils before the arrival of DFTD; Identify, describe, and create graphical representations of scientific data; Describe scientific figures and provide a basic interpretation of the results.

Materials: Student worksheet with questions and graphs, resource papers, dataset.

Table #A9

The Tail of the Phage

John Starnes, Somerset Community College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Using student derived data, in a paper and computer based exercise, participants will learn about phage tails and one of the genes that determine their length.

The purpose of this resource is to help students to understand the concepts of how a gene can affect the structure of a bacteriophage, how to discover a gene’s function from DNA sequence, and how different DNA sequences relate to one another.  The provided worksheet is a guided hands-on data exploration using data generated by students.  Students can work independently or in groups using the resource available.  Information will be given on the use of the Phage Evidence Collection and Annotation Network (PECAAN) ( and The Actinobacteriophage Database ( Participants can learn about basic bioinformatics tools available to study bacteriophage genomes or other genes of interest.  The project could be further expanded and collaboration between different groups could be easily pursued.

Preliminary link to resource can be found at:



Table #B1

Extended use of Geo-spatial data in Ecology

Malinda H Siriwardana, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

Ecological data combined with spatial data extends the dimensions of problem identification, visualization, and problem-solving in the ecology field greatly. The two cases of remote sensing data and its availability (Sripada Mountain and Mega-cities data) for non-spatial use are discussed

The world is moving towards location-based activates. Moreover, in the big data era, a huge amount of spatial data is available. Especially, some remote sensing data are available for free. Use of big data or remote sensing data is not limited to spatial scientists or geographers, but useful in any field. Ecological data combined with spatial data can extend the dimensions of problem identification, visualization, and problem-solving in the ecology field greatly.

We describe two cases of use of remote sensing data from the Landsat program by the United States Geological Survey. In the case one, Sripada Mountain is the study area to describe the use of spatial data. Sripada Mountain is a highly ecologically sensitive area in the “The Central Highlands of Sri Lanka” nominated as a world heritage site. Sripada Mountain has a long driven tradition of climbing the mountain for mainly religious purposes and site-seeing. “In case of the Peak Wilderness Protected Area, the major human use is from around two million pilgrims who visit the Adam’s Peak annually and contribute to both forest and environmental degradation along the pilgrim trails leading up to the peak (”. The current focus is only on studying NDVI changes in the Sripada Mountain area.

In the second case, we discuss the “Mega Project”which describes the urbanization in two time periods ( In this, we mainly focus on the urbanization process of mega-cities. The dataset has many types of data which are useful in any other field. We did not intend to discuss the ecological aspect, but we see a greater value in this dataset if we combine it with the ecology field.

We also discuss the software and tools “Arc” and “Matlab” and its use in data handling processing and visualizing results which we can use to teach students.


Table #B2

Unpacking Sources of Variability in Ecological Data

Michelle Forsythe, Texas State University

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division,

Use measurements of snail shells to help students 1) unpack how measurement, natural, sampling, and induced variability create differences in data and 2) develop heuristics for the degree of difference explained by random variation and that are indicative of causal factors.

In ecological data, measurement variability, natural variability, and causal factors (also known as induced variability) all collectively contribute to variations in measurements. Middle, high school, and undergraduate students often struggle to tease apart and make sense of the competing impacts of these multiple sources of variation. However, an understanding of variation is vital for developing explanations of ecological processes and refining investigative approaches. The resource presented during this roundtable session can be used to scaffold students’ progression from thinking that any difference in measure indicates an error or a causal change to looking for meaningful differences in data instead. The activity begins by having students gather and display measurements of the width of a snail shells in a sample of snail from a population. Students then use these displays to unpack the sources that lead to variation in a single sample in the absence of induced or causal factors: measurement variability and natural variability. Students then compare samples to explore the impact of sampling variability and develop heuristics for informally determining if the degree of difference found between samples could be explained by random variation (measurement, natural, sampling) or if the degree of difference found between samples could be indicative of a causal factor or ecological difference. Finally, students compare their sample of snail shells to samples taken from alternative study sites and use these to informally reason about whether there is a significant or meaningful difference in the width of the snail shells in these different populations.

Table #B3

Estimating carbon sequestration of forestland using field sampling and modeling

Matthew Fisher, Oregon Coast Community College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Students sample forest plots and obtain tree cores to estimate current and past biomass using mathematical models. Students use these data to determine carbon sequestration capacity of the forest and apply their results to discussions on mitigation of climate change.

In this lab activity, students calculate carbon sequestration rate for a parcel of forestland. This activity gives students experience performing fieldwork, collecting and analyzing data, utilizing mathematical models, and applying their data to a real-world issue (climate change). The goals of the activity are to give students relevant research experience, give them structured opportunities to collect, manipulate, and analyze data; and to teach them concepts related to forest ecology, carbon sequestration, and global climate change.

Students are organized into small groups. Each group establishes a 10 m x 10 m plot and counts, identifies to species, and measures the stem diameter of each tree within their plot.  While in the field, several tree core samples are also taken. Using regression models from published accounts, biomass can be estimated for all trees in students’ plots. Tree core samples can provide an indication of tree stem diameter 10 years ago. With these diameters, biomass can also be estimated 10 years ago. Thus, current biomass and previous biomass allow for the calculation of the rate of carbon sequestration.

Using their results, students can compare their yearly carbon footprint with the carbon sequestration capacity of the forests. Students can also assess whether forest management that maximizes carbon sequestration rates may be an effective method of mitigating global climate change.

Table #B4

CSU Chico Building Energy Use

Kristen Kaczynski, California State University, Chico

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Human impacts on the carbon cycle is an important theme in introductory courses. In this lab activity, students use real-world CSU Chico building energy use data to examine scaling up and concepts such as sustainability and carbon offsetting.

This lab in the forth in a series of five lab activities where students are learning about the carbon cycle and human impacts on it. The purpose of this lab exercise is to have students begin to think through what it means to be carbon neutral. Using actual building energy use data from the Chico State campus, students will calculate the amount of energy used and total CO2 emitted daily and weekly, for a set period of time. The objectives are 1. learn to summarize data with Excel, using tables and graphs, 2. discuss ideas for sustainability and reducing energy use, and 3. calculate carbon off setting metrics.

Table #B5

Teaching evolution to non-majors biology students using real-life data

Kevin Bonney, New York University

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

This presentation explores the theme of Discover Data to teach Evolution in Action to non-majors undergraduate biology students. Discussion focuses on where datasets can be accessed and how they can be adapted for use in the classroom.

This presentation will explore the theme of Discover Data and the topic of Evolution in Action as it relates to lower division undergraduate education. The objective is to share resources and methods and develop skills for teaching about evolution using real-life data. Discussion will focus on the initial stage of development of a set of educational resources and pedagogical tools to promote teaching of evolution in a non-majors introductory biology course for undergraduate students. Of particular interest are the questions of where datasets and other open educational resources can be accessed and how they can be adapted for use in the classroom.

Table #B6

Incorporating group poster sessions into introductory biology courses using curated case studies.

Saroj Chirravuri, GateWay Community College, Phoenix, AZ

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Incorporating group poster sessions using curated case studies may help instructors meet pedagogical goals of collaboration, team learning and integration of data analysis in the introductory biology curriculum. Case study analysis also allows students to connect content to context.

The purpose of incorporating poster sessions into the regular curriculum would be to allow a structured activity for students which would challenge them to think critically, analyze and discuss research topics with peers. Using curated case studies would allow the instructor to direct the students toward relevant and interesting research directions which align with course competencies. The cases would be selected from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science repository ( Case studies are also considered a good tool to introduce context within content, to students. Groups of 3-4 students would be selected to cover one case study, work collaboratively, conduct a literature survey, present and defend their findings with a poster and presentation. Each team would be provided with a primary case study, two related research articles and directed toward tools like Google scholar, library resources and poster making help ( The case studies would also involve quantitative data, statistical analysis and interpretation. The instructor would initially introduce the topics, clarify expectations, specify poster format and periodically monitor progress of the groups. Formative assessments would be provided after crucial benchmarks are met. The research would be carried out over the course of the semester and allow students to develop successful teams, and practice oral and written skills. Part of the summative assessment would be peer review and in-group reviews. All groups would also be expected and assessed for listening and participation in discussions with other groups in class.

Table #B7

Investigating Progress of a Prairie Reconstruction to Teach Succession and Community Ecology

Andrew Ising, Baldwin High School

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

K-12 students investigate ecological succession using a local prairie reconstruction. Students try to determine reconstruction progress by comparing collected data to late successional remnant prairies and reconstructions.  Some students will supplement ecological surveys with genetic comparisons of keystone species.

Students in grades K-5 and 9-12 investigate ecological succession using a local prairie reconstruction. Students will try to determine the progress of the reconstruction by comparing collected data to late successional remnant prairies and other reconstructions.  Older and advanced students will supplement ecological community surveys with genetic evidence using RFLPs of keystone species.

Students will sample our district prairie reconstruction using stem counts (elementary students) and percent coverage measurements (secondary students) within quadrats. Elementary students will be focusing on number of grasses, forbs/herbs, and woody species. Experts will help them determine if species are native or non-native. Secondary students will attempt to identify plants to species in order to make data set more robust.

Data collected by our district students will be compared to data sets shared with us by researchers at area colleges. Students can use descriptive statistic measures and hypothesis tests to support conclusions on the progress of our prairie reconstruction when compared to other prairie tracts.


Table #B8

Case study: minimizing bias in study design

Ann Showalter, Clayton State University

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

I am developing a case study to (1) illustrate what non-random sampling and pseudoreplication are, (2) show students how these design issues impact statistical results, and (3) give students practice choosing appropriate statistical tests and running data analysis using RStudio.

I am developing a case study to illustrate the effects of non-randomly sampling and pseudoreplication on statistical results.  The examples for this case study will be ecology-related, and students will use RStudio to run the analyses.  My goals for this activity are to (1) illustrate what non-random sampling and pseudoreplication are, (2) show students how these design issues impact statistical results, and (3) give students practice choosing appropriate statistical tests and running data analysis using RStudio.

Prior to this activity, students conducted a very quick-and-dirty pilot study to learn the methodology necessary for measuring stomata density in plants (as preparation for a more formal experiment later in the semester).  In their study, students haphazardly collected their samples and were exposed to the risk of pseudoreplication.  The following lab, I introduced students to RStudio and had them use their data to learn the program.

The case study is planned to take the full 3h lab period.  I will give a short introductory lecture on non-random sampling and pseudoreplication.  Students will then work at their own pace to complete the analyses and questions outlined in the case study assignment.  The assignment will identify the questions they will address with their analyses, and students are responsible for choosing the appropriate statistical test (t-test, ANOVA, or regression) and running the analyses in RStudio.  The assignment also includes reflective questions to encourage deeper understanding of these topics.  Finally, to further connect these concepts to their own study, students will be using their data on leaf stomata to explore the impact of pseudoreplication.

By itself, this activity illustrates how to use data to teach students about issues of experimental design.  But the broader context for this activity may be a useful model for how to scaffold experimental design and data analysis skills.

Table #B9

Zoology Capstone Project

Erica Seubert, Los Angeles Mission College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

A capstone project incorporating multiple course SLOs along with various types of biological evidence for students to evaluate was developed for a non-majors zoology course.  Several projects were developed, with each student group exploring a slightly different set of evidence.   One set of projects involved marine forensics, with students investigating the cause of death of different marine mammals.  To complete these tasks, students had to identify zoological specimens to species, revisit phyla previously learned in the semester, and use various anatomical structures for the identification process.

Three different marine forensic cases were developed for completion by students in the last 4 weeks of a non-majors zoology course.  Each case features a deceased marine mammal that the students need to identify and investigate the ultimate cause of death.  Case elements include pictures, toxicology reports, microscopy samples, and veterinary reports.  The case files distributed to students will be presented along with the methodology used to develop the case files.




Table #A1

Is it a plant?

Elizabeth Martin, Lewis-Clark State College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

This activity introduces students to the not-so-familiar plant, lichen, and fungal organisms.  Students classify specimens into kingdom (plant or otherwise) and describe organismal characteristics they use to make their classification.  For microscopic characteristics, students make slides to visualize identifiable characteristics.

Purpose: This activity introduces students to the not-so-familiar plant, lichen, and fungal organisms.  Students classify specimens into kingdom (plant or otherwise) and describe organismal characteristics they use to make their classification.  For microscopic characteristics, students make slides to visualize identifiable characteristics.

Learning Objectives:  Through completing this activity, students should be able to 1) provide a comprehensive definition for a plant; 2) name and describe structural features characteristic of plants and how they differ from fungi; and 3) explain how a lichen is a symbiotic relationship from more than one kingdom of life.

Methodology:  I use this activity the first day of the semester for a 100-level general education botany course.  Students are given various plant specimens (including mosses, liverworts, and ferns/fern allies) along with lichen and fungal specimens.  Working in small groups, they classify each as being in the plant kingdom or not.  Then they provide a justification or list of characteristics that backs up their classification.

Following small group work, we have a class discussion where students share the characteristics they chose.  This leads to a comprehensive list of features found in the plant kingdom and which ones are unique to the plant kingdom.  This is also a great opportunity to focus on what makes a good justification.

I wish to expand this lecture activity to include a lab component where students identify structures on their specimens and make slides to examine microscopic features, such as the fungal layer present in the middle of lichens.

Table #A2

Citizen Science Enhances Outreach and Research with Aedes Mosquitoes in El Paso

Reynaldo Leyva JR, Clint Independent School District/The University of Texas at El Paso

Camilo Khatchikian, University of Texas at El Paso

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

This project combines citizen science, outreach, and teaching with data components as a way to increase awareness and knowledge about how mosquitoes effect the public health. The project has a core program with multiple groups of high school seniors.

This project combines citizen science, outreach, and teaching with data components as a way to increase awareness and knowledge about how mosquitoes effect the public health. The project has two parts; the first one is a core program with multiple groups of high school seniors, each one under the supervision and guidance of their science high school teacher. The second part consists of the integration of data generated from research and also contemplates the development of college level coursework to analyze and incorporate data provided by the samples.

The project will provide each science teacher with a set of materials to sample mosquitoes as a citizen science activity, in addition to a week-long curricula related to mosquito-borne diseases, species invasion, and public health risks. Teachers will be provided with supporting materials including a full description of mosquitos’ life cycle, as well as biological materials to aid with in-class demonstrations. Teachers will also receive a general introduction to mosquito-borne diseases cycles and common prevention measures. The project will provide each of the participating students with an ovitrap (a simple plastic cup that collects eggs deposited by female mosquitoes) to be deployed in their backyards and returned to the classroom after a week. In the classroom, the contents of each trap will be observed and summarized in class using a provided web-interface. Finally, results and samples will be collected by our laboratory and the material will be archived and used for genetic studies.

The project will be co-presented by Reynaldo Leyva, as a high school science teacher in charge of developing the lesson plan for high school students, and Camilo Khatchikian, as a researcher in charge of coordinating the overall project, outreach evaluation and development of a college-level research class.

Table #A3

Using environmental case studies to inform with data

Matthew Opdyke, Point Park University

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

Case studies are useful tools for informing students with data. I will be presenting a case study on mark-and-recapture, which I have developed for undergraduate students to improve critical thinking and analytical application.

Introducing students to topics in an undergraduate field biology course can be a challenge at urban universities, where limitations on travel time and field site availability can be a barrier to teaching outdoors. As a professor at an urban university, I have been working on developing case studies that are either a challenge or unavailable for study in an urban environment. Examples include stream habitat assessments, life tables and wetland delineation. Each case study begins with an introduction and description of a topic, which is covered in more detail in a supplementary lecture. After the topic is introduced, students separate into small groups where they discuss questions that require qualitative problem solving. Quantitative applications are given as homework, in which students are given data relating to a specific case and asked to analyze the data using analytical tools. The case studies help to develop skills in problem solving, provide practice with analytical tools and make students more comfortable in formulating conclusions for complex scenarios. Furthermore, most of my case studies are based on local examples, which encourage greater classroom participation because students more easily relate to the topics. The case study I will be presenting is on mark-and-recapture. Mark-and-recapture is a popular topic taught in field biology and a useful tool in estimating the population size of animals. The case study introduces three popular models that are used for estimating population sizes:  Peterson-Lincoln, Chapman and Schnabel. Following the introduction are discussion questions that test a student’s ability to comprehend the material from the introduction and what is discussed in class. The quantitative application uses the models to estimate the abundance of coyotes in a hypothetical city. To motivate students on the topic and present a real-life scenario of its application, we watch the PBS documentary, ‘Meet the Coywolf.’

Table #A4

Using online tools to investigate phylogenetic relationships

Shamone Minzenmayer, San Angelo ISD/Central High School

Audience: Grades 9-12

Students will develop hypotheses of relationships among organisms they choose using online resources such as Genbank.  They will learn about other types of data that are used in classification by visiting the Angelo State Natural History Collection.

Students will use genbank ( to investigate phylogenetic relationships among organisms of their choice.  Students will learn how to select appropriate DNA,RNA or protein sequence data to allow them to develop hypotheses of relationships among their selected taxa.  Students will be encouraged to select organisms that occur in Texas with the goal that many of those organisms are housed in the Angelo State Natural History Collections.  Students will have the opportunity to visit the natural history collections prior to the selection of taxa and will be able to learn about how organisms are collected, cataloged and used in research studies.

Table #A5

Pesticides usage in the U.S

Daniel Elias, North Carolina Wesleyan College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

Explore data and predict future trends of pesticides usage in the U.S from 1960 to present. Predictions would be used to determine what pesticides are likely to be present in the environment.

Purpose: Explore data and predict future trends of pesticides usage in the U.S from 1960 to present. Predictions would be used to determine what pesticides are likely to be present in the environment.

Learning objectives:

  • Select the appropriate data from official reports/websites
  • Construct graphs that describe pesticides usage for herbicides/insecticides/fungicide and combined
  • Select the best format to represent data (e.g. lines vs. pie chart)
  • Predict future pesticides usage by incorporate a trendline and equation into their graph (excel)
  • Critical thinking by determining what pesticides would likely have greater presence in the environment


  1. Open, and and select the site that provides data from 1960 to the most recent report.
  2. Graph data showing pesticides usage over time and pesticides categories.
  3. Add trendlines and equations into their graph (excel) to predict future pesticides usage
  4. After calculating future pesticide usage, which pesticide could be present in freshwater environments?

Table #A6

Teaching community ecology with a free and easy to use statistical software (PAST)

Brenda Witt, Redlands Community College

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

This session will introduce participants to the free and easy to use software, PAST, and how students can use it to better understand community composition comparisons both at the spatial and temporal level.

Investigating the structure and changes of a community in its entirety, as opposed to just one species, can bring a more exciting dynamic when teaching in the areas of ecology and ecosystem change. This activity will allow students to compare communities and determine their level of similarity using a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis. This statistical method can create a visual representation of the communities and the distance, or dissimilarity, between them using coded polygons. This brings the data alive as opposed to simply looking at numbers. A free, easy to download and use software called PAST ( is a great way to bring this analysis into the classroom. Data sets could be fabricated to model a specific event or theme such as a natural disaster, downloaded from open access sites, or could be created by a local field site collection. Any of these data options provide a great way to teach students how ecological changes, whether natural or anthropogenic, can impact the community in that affected region. The overall design of the activity could be modified to fit a variety of audiences and grade levels and could be supplemented with background readings or follow up activities that best fit the concepts for a particular classroom.

During this session I will provide an overview of this type of modelling, demonstrate how to use the Past program, provide a data set that could be used or modified, and provide some examples of supplemental materials.

Table #A7

The Impact of El Nino on Populations

Denice Robertson, Northern Kentucky University

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

The impact of El Nino can be difficult for students to understand so this activity involves students in data collection and analysis to determine its impact on populations. Students are provided data regarding populations of organisms from one of two locations, then use these to write a hypothesis regarding when the El Nino event may have occurred. They go to to create graphs and maps of the time frame of interest, determine when the event occurred and finally return to the data to look more closely at the impact of the El Nino event on the populations over time.

The purpose of this exercise is to have students use published data and data gathered from to determine if and when an El Nino event has occurred and the impact that event has had on organisms at different locations around the Pacific. First the students review the provided tables of data and graphs and formulate a hypothesis as to when the El Nino event may have occurred. Then the students use the website and create maps and graphs of ocean sea surface temperature to determine when the El Nino event actually occurred. Finally, they will use the provided graphs and data tables from selected publications to determine the impact that El Nino has had on the organisms at these locations. Currently, I use coral reef data from the Pacific side of Panama and plant, small mammal, bird, and predator data from Northern Chile. I use this activity in my Ecology lecture as a way to help them better understand El Nino as well as the impact that even a short term climatic change can have on the organisms involved. Students work in groups and turn in a short paper on their findings that includes the graphs generated on the website.

Table #A8

Building Ecological Databases for Citizen Science and Public Policy

Brian Shmaefsky, Lone Star College- Kingwood

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division, Other (please specify)

Discussed is a student-led project for collecting environmental data used for citizen science activities, NGOs needs, and public policy decisions.  It involves sustainable collaborations promoting the collection of qualitative and quantitative scientific data for use in policy and environmental justice.

Recently, I was funded by a grant to expand a student-driven program for collecting environmental data that can be used for citizen science activities, NGOs needs, and public policy decisions.  In this ongoing project, students work with a stakeholder to develop sustainable methods of collecting environmental data particularly related to water resources. The project started with using granted funded portable smartboards for students to communicate environmental assessment digital image data with stakeholders. Another grant funded a 3D printer and 3D pens that students used to produce sustainable air and water quality environmental biological monitoring devices for stakeholders to use to collect appropriate qualitative data.  In this latest project, students will be using drones, field laptops, and portable weather data collection units to collect forest and river/wetland digital image data, environmental measures of landscaped areas, and microclimate data. The resources of this project will result in two tangible outcomes; open-access pedagogical publications and publically available raw data.

Table #A9

How to Make a Cladogram: Bears and their relatives, an exercise in clade construction

Diane Livio, Los Angeles Mission College

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

Students work in small groups to create cladograms based on synapomorphies and sequences.  The materials are focused towards lower-division undergraduate but can be modified as needed.  Students develop the skills to interpret phylogenetic relationships and discuss the challenges behind systematics.

This learning activity has students create phylogenetic trees regarding the evolutionary relationship of red pandas, giant pandas, and other species of bears.  To draw student interest, the context for the activity is the contribution systematics can play to conservation biology.  Student learn why phylogeny trees are hypotheses, the principles behind constructing them, and the challenges and limitations that can surface.  The activity can be readily modified to meet the requirements of the course level, 7th grade through undergraduate.  The main component of the activity is a handout with data sets for the students to use to draw and label their interpretation for the trees plus questions to reflect and discuss.  Students work in small groups, with the instructor guiding constructive discussion.  There is a PowerPoint lecture that sets up reflections, provides examples, and presents an introductory exercise.

Students are given a data table of real traits associated to five species of bears, the red panda, and the raccoon.  Students work in small groups to construct a phylogeny tree and share their results.  A class discussion follows regarding the techniques they employed and the similarities and differences between their trees.  The lecture then discusses the advancement of molecular systematics, with a real genetic sequence comparison, leading into a second small data set of fabricated DNA sequences for five of the original species.  The small groups construct a second tree, then compare with their original tree.  For the undergraduate level, this leads into a discussion of the molecular clock and group work to calculate divergence events.  The final part presents an additional data set, with real traits to add to their tree from the first part, including analogies.  This leads to further discussion of limitations in systematics and mechanisms behind evolution, with a focus on convergent evolution.





Table #B1

Teaching Urban Environment Diversity through Data

Barbara Musolf, Clayton State University

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

I am using data from the Data Nugget “City Parks: wildlife islands in a sea of cement” to give students practice in analyzing data sets, learn about the Shannon-Wiener Index, and inspire them to think biologically of their urban environments.

I am using raw data available in the “City Parks: wildlife islands in a sea of cement” Data Nugget to 1) guide students in transferring their understanding of how to work with data sets, 2) gain an understanding of the power of the Shannon-Wiener Index to assess diversity, and 3) push them to think about how they could study the urban and suburban environments that they live in.  This data nugget provides raw data that I will slightly modify to make it easier for students to use without changing the final result. Students will use graphing skills (Excel) and statistical tests (R Studio) that they learn in an associated lab to analyze the data. Since this activity will be in lecture, they will be encouraged to use skills in a class where they are not typically taught. The data nugget will also function in getting students to think about how we assess diversity.  The data provides a list of different species, their abundance, and size of the parks.  Students will be encouraged to think about how the data should be analyzed, identifying independent and dependent variables and constructing linear regressions to gain some insight into how the size of a park affects species abundance and diversity. The Shannon-Wiener Index will be introduced as a way to include both diversity and abundance. The data is rich enough so that students could explore other questions, such as in what size parks do you find particular species and how the presence of predators and their prey may affect diversity. What I like best about this data nugget is that it gives students insight into the type of ecosystem where they live, providing them with a greater awareness of the robustness of particular mammals that live among us.

Table #B2

Bumble Bees vs Their World

Heidi Schuitema, Cedar Springs Public Schools

Audience: Grades 9-12

This resource is a life science exploration where students encounter a stance establishing unit (NGSS, HS-LS2–6&7) for weighing impacts of human activities on the ecosystems of bumble bees.  Students evaluate claims, evidence, and reasoning about complex interactions in ecosystems.

The purpose of this resource is to give students the experience of weighing mutual impact of humans/resident (or introduced) organisms on our shared ecosystem, specifically, bumble bees/beneficial nematodes.  Learning objectives will include:   1)  understand status of bumble bees 2) understand purpose/importance of biological control and how it can improve human food source outcomes 3) consider the effects of biological control measures (beneficial nematodes) on bumble bees 4) Establish a stance on priority of responses to the success of populations involved. This resource lesson will address components of NGSS performance expectations HS-LS2-6 & 7, involving interdependent relationships.  The aim of the development of this resource is to create an NGSS aligned unit, that digs deep rather than wide, beginning with a phenomenon. Students will use skills of reasoning and data organization/comparison to engage with increasingly more detailed data and build schema around a question they collaboratively establish.  As each new data source is experienced, students will use argument to grow their perspectives and revisit their list of questions to see if any have been answered, which ones remain, i.e., how their collective model might need to be revised.  As our district looks to curriculum needs, upcoming, as NGSS are upon us, there is an aim for teaching staff to become able to design units.  This is such an exercise, for me, and I will welcome input.

Table #B3

TIEEing together past and future climate change

Deborah Overath, Texas Southmost College

Audience: Undergraduate: Lower Division

We our lesson guide for adapting and linking two TIEE modules, one on phenology and one on global temperature change, to help introductory biology students experience “big data” and gain a better understanding of climate change and its consequences.

This resource includes a lesson guide describing how we adapted and combined parts of two TIEE modules:

1) Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America (Materials and teaching notes at:

2) Global temperature change in the 21st century (Materials and teaching notes at:

for the second semester of an introductory biology course sequence, as part of a QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network.

We had the following student learning outcomes in mind:

  1. a) gain experience and confidence in working with data sets in Excel (including making calculations and graphing)
  2. b) explain basic aspects of phenology, explain basic aspects of interactions of organisms with their environment and with each other
  3. c) explain basic aspects of past and future climate change, and
  4. d) explain possible effects of these changes on organisms and their interactions.

Participants will learn how we combined these TIEE modules and made the link between them, as well as practical details of such as how we divided students into groups, how we assigned the workload among groups so that each student had the opportunity to work with the data, and how we assessed student learning. We will also provide a hard copy of the lesson guide, which includes URLs for the materials used in two test implementations.

Table #B4

Experiencing the Nature of Life

Thomas Oviatt, Fairview High School

Audience: Grades 9-12

Introduce the characteristics of living things through experiential learning designed to

generate excitement and curiosity in your students through observation and exploration of the natural world.

The Purpose of this activity first and foremost is to generate a sense of excitement and curiosity about the natural world, and to begin to think about the patterns and characteristics of living things. Learning objectives:

  1. a) Generate excitement and curiosity about the natural world
  2. b) Use observation to begin to think about the characteristics of living things
  3. c) Identify specific species of local plants, (also animals and insects)
  4. d) Explain why their samples are considered living using evidence based thinking

Table #B5

One day research project:  a rapid thinking, data analysis and communication activity

Concepcion Rodriguez-Fourquet, University of Puerto Rico

Audience: Undergraduate: Upper Division

One day activity where students are exposed to a research oriented field experience where they observe, develop a hypothesis, design a study, gather and analyze data and present to their peers.

The purpose of this activity is to expose students to a field experience where they investigate in a short period of time.  This activity covers some of the core competencies in the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biological Education:  A Call to Action and the 4DEE (The Four Dimension Ecological Education) develop by members of the Ecological Society of America.  At the end of this activity students would be able to: make observations about the ecosystem, define ecological concepts, develop a hypothesis, develop an experimental design, gather and analyze data, communicate results to their peers.

Participants will experience field work and will be challenged to think fast and on their feet.  They will have to make quick and consensus decisions within their team.  They will work without their computers or tablets as all calculations will be done by hand or with the use of a calculator and the presentation will have done in a poster board.  All graphs will be constructed by hand.  Students are encouraged to be creative and to use their artistic skills in preparing the presentation.


Upon arrival to the study area, groups of 3 to 4 students are asked to make observations about the plants, animals, fungus and the physical environment and to come up with a research question and hypothesis. Once the research question and hypothesis are established, students think about a method to test the hypothesis.  After the method is established students go to the field to gather the data and then return to the base camp to analyze it using descriptive statistics, making graphs and tables and to come up with results and discussion.  The activity ends when all groups have presented their investigation.

Table #B6

High School Students Become Environmental Educators

Gina Smearsoll, Cincinnati Christian Schools

Audience: Grades 9-12

Working with local organizations Groundwork Cincinnati – Mill Creek and Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, high school students became environmental educators to teach preschoolers about how water pollution affects the wildlife in the Mill Creek.

In this project, high school students are trained to become environmental educators to teach preschoolers about the Mill Creek and how water pollution affects the wildlife in the Mill Creek. In cooperation with the organization Groundwork Cincinnati-Mill Creek, the students will first learn about the Mill Creek by collecting data in the section of the creek that runs through our school property. Students will be able to collect physical, chemical, and biological data using equipment provided by Groundwork Cincinnati-Mill Creek and then will analyze the collective data using digital tools such as Microsoft Excel. Then, the students will continue the project-based learning process by working with the organization Keep Cincinnati Beautiful to develop, organize, and practice their own, unique version of the “Fred the Fish” program. Students will then present their thirty-minute interactive program to preschool students in the community. Using the story of Fred as a fish who swims through the local section of the Mill Creek, the preschool students have an age-appropriate connection to how pollution in a waterway can affect the wildlife. Both the high school students and the preschoolers will learn a great deal about an important local conservation issue and how the behavior of individuals of any age can help prevent the problem of water pollution. As a teacher, I will learn the importance of stepping back as the expert in the classroom to allow students the opportunity to be creative and responsible for sharing their knowledge with others.

Table #B7

Using Rock Pools to Study Ecological Principles

Emily Betts, Open High School

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

The James River’s numerous rock pools are tiny “habitat islands” that offer an opportunity to test ecological principles – island biogeography and intermediate disturbance.  Students explore relationships between pool size, river distance and biodiversity, making hypothesis about biodiversity differences.

The James River runs through the center of Richmond, and my high school and a major university are within walking distance of the river.  The south side of the river has hundreds of scoured out rock pools that vary tremendously in their physical structure and biological richness.  My high schools students have been collaborating with an upper-level undergraduate course at Virginia Commonwealth University for the past two years.  The students, both high school and college have contributed to a data set that includes the number and type of species as well as depth, distance from the river and predominant substrate.  These tiny “habitat islands” offer a fantastic opportunity to test ecological principles such as island biogeography and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.  The rock pool data nugget will utilize a subset of this data so that students can look for relationships between pool size, distance to the river and the number of species.  Students may also calculate diversity indices and make hypothesis about why some pools are more biodiverse than others.

Table #B8

The Push and Pull of Color Evolution in Male Guppies

Dhana Rao, East Carolina University

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division

The case study based on the iconic work of Endler demonstrates the impact of natural and sexual selection on guppy populations.  Students  graph data, interpret figures, and summarize major findings.

This course General Biology is offered to non-majors and the following case study will be part of the topic of Evolution.  The case study examines color evolution in guppies and is based on an iconic study performed by John Endler (1980). The activity begins with a brief description of Endler’s study which showed that the color and number of spots found on guppies was related to the types of predators in the stream.  When predators were plentiful, male guppies become increasingly drab over generations, pushed by predation pressure toward greater camouflage.  However when it came to reproduction, the “flashier” or more gaudy colored males were more likely to attract a mate.  Sexual selection pushes guppy coloration toward becoming conspicuous just as hard as predation pushes coloration toward drabness. The description also includes location of pools and  why natural barriers created different environments for  the native guppies.

Students then examine real data gathered in the experiment from two sources- the artificial greenhouse experiment and the natural field experiment.  In both studies, guppy coloration was scored by counting the number, size and brightness of spots.

The activity helps improve skills in graphing real data, interpreting figures, and summarizing major findings. The case study allows students to reflect on experimental design and the use of controls and to develop their critical thinking skills.  It also provides an example of natural selection occurring rapidly over ecological timescales dispelling the misconceptions that evolution happens extremely slowly over geological timescales. And last students gain a better understanding of the interaction between genes and the environment in shaping phenotypes.

Table #B9

Pollination Syndromes – predicting pollinators from flower characteristics

Suzanne Koptur, Florida International University

Audience: Grades 9-12, Undergraduate: Lower Division, Undergraduate: Upper Division

This activity will celebrate flowers and pollinators, and recognize the important role they play in providing many foods need for a healthy diet. Pollination is important in the life cycle of flowering plants; we will examine how plants get animals to carry their pollen to their mates, and what floral traits work for different kinds of pollinators.

A hands-on activity to review the parts of a flower, and examine the shape, color, symmetry, odor, and floral rewards of flowers collected from local gardens. Students will use rulers, calipers, microcapillary tubes and hand-held refractometers to measure flower parts and nectar rewards. Using a chart of typical characteristics of flowers pollinated by various organisms, we can predict the predominant pollinators of each plan species examined. Students will design experiments to determine the visitors, and the effective pollinators, of the plants observed.