Restoration Ecology

Monday, August 7

1:30 PM


1:30 PM


1:50 PM


1:50 PM


2:10 PM


2:10 PM


2:10 PM


2:30 PM


2:30 PM


2:30 PM


2:30 PM


2:50 PM


3:20 PM


3:20 PM


3:40 PM


4:00 PM


4:20 PM


4:20 PM


4:30 PM


Tuesday, August 8

8:00 AM


8:20 AM


8:40 AM


8:40 AM


9:50 AM


1:30 PM


1:30 PM


2:30 PM


2:50 PM


3:20 PM
Experimental evidence for year effects in restoration
Anna M. Groves
Contributed Talks, room C120-121


3:20 PM
Experimental evidence for year effects in restoration
Anna M. Groves
Contributed Talks, room C120-121


4:00 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM
Assessment of macroinvertebrate and water quality responses to stream restoration
Stephanie Estell
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM
Clear Creek Estuary Restoration: Monitoring Changes in Function and Diversity
Christine E Butler-Minor
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall


4:30 PM


Wednesday, August 9

8:00 AM


9:00 AM


9:00 AM


9:20 AM
Reviewing coastal habitat restoration efforts in the U.S. and the services they deliver
Jonathan H. Grabowski
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 256


9:50 AM


10:10 AM


10:50 AM


11:10 AM
Phylogenetic diversity as a target and possible tool in ecological restoration
Evelyn W. Williams
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255


11:10 AM


1:30 PM


1:30 PM


1:30 PM


1:30 PM


1:30 PM
Understanding growth-survivorship tradeoffs in restoration
Susanne Schwinning
Ignite-style, room C123


2:50 PM


3:20 PM


3:40 PM


4:20 PM
Beavers in restoration ecology: Why we should give a dam!
Penny E Hughes
Contributed Talks, room B115


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM
Native meadow restoration success and functional diversity
Keri A. Plevniak
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall


4:30 PM
Ecological restoration of abandoned buffelgrass pastures in Central Sonora, Mexico
Daniel Morales-Romero
Contributed Posters, room Exhibit Hall


4:40 PM


Thursday, August 10

8:00 AM


8:00 AM


8:20 AM


8:40 AM


8:40 AM


8:40 AM


9:00 AM


9:50 AM
Do pollinator restoration benefits extend to rare bee species?
Daniel P. Cariveau
Organized Oral Sessions, room D136


10:30 AM


10:50 AM


10:50 AM


10:50 AM


11:10 AM


11:10 AM


1:30 PM


1:50 PM


1:50 PM


2:30 PM
Restoration methods alter AM fungal abundance and community composition
Mia R. Maltz
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255


2:30 PM


2:50 PM
Digging deep: Evaluating the use of soil microbes in restoration, a meta-analysis
Theo Michaels
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255


2:50 PM


3:20 PM


4:00 PM


4:00 PM


4:30 PM


4:30 PM


Friday, August 11

8:00 AM
No diversity-productivity relationship in forest restoration plantings
Timothy L. Staples
Contributed Talks, room E143-144


8:00 AM
No diversity-productivity relationship in forest restoration plantings
Timothy L. Staples
Contributed Talks, room E143-144


8:00 AM


8:00 AM


8:00 AM


8:20 AM
Developing climate change-adaptive species palettes for urban forests restoration
Helen M. Forgione
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 255


8:30 AM


8:30 AM


8:30 AM


8:30 AM


8:30 AM


9:00 AM


9:40 AM


9:50 AM


10:30 AM


10:40 AM


11:10 AM


11:10 AM
Restoration 2.0: Does reintroducing native soil organisms improve plant restoration efforts?
Tanya E. Cheeke
Organized Oral Sessions, room Portland Blrm 254