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Post-FMN What’s Next?

Post-FMN: What’s Next?

Post-FMN: What’s Next?

You have worked hard to incorporate 4DEE into your teaching and we hope your efforts have been productive. Sharing your efforts is critical to catalyzing the effort to transform ecology education to 4D and is a major objective of the FMNs. Please take a moment to let us know where you are at on sharing your product, presenting and future interests. Your input will inform us on how we can be of support towards your professional development through the Transforming Ecology Education to 4D RCN-UBE. Thank you!

Which FMN did you participate in?
Will you be able to submit your final product by end of 2024?
What will be useful to help you publish your work? Please enter any additional ideas that would be helpful.
Conference Support
Are you interested in presenting your work at a conference in the next 12 months with TEE travel support? If you have already tapped your FMN travel stipend, you are eligible for support tp to present at another conference through the 4DEE Ambassadors program
Are you interested in a new collaborative FMN to integrate 4DEE at the course level?
Now that you have begun to incorporate 4DEE into your an activity or module, we invite you to take the next step to think about revisions across your course.
Are you interested in one or more leadership roles in the 4DEE network? Check all that apply
We need you! Please consider moving up as an Education Scholar and leader within the 4DEE community!