
To purchase Sponsor, Exhibit or other marketing opportunities available for the ESA Virtual Annual Meeting, go to the following link:

Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus


Contact Wendy Ashburn exhibits@nullesa.org or 240-416-4227.

Thank you to the meeting sponsors!

Gold Level Sponsors


Licor logo

NEON Operated by Battelle

The official National Science Foundation is located to the blue text labeled: Neon, Operated by Battelle.

New Phytologist Trust

New Phytologist Trust

U.S. Geological Survey


Silver Level Sponsors

Campbell Scientific

Logo with the slogan: when measurements matter

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

The letters ORAU represent Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

Onset – HOBO Data Loggers

HOBO by Onset

XPRIZE Foundation

Logo with the words X PRIZE rain forest.