ESA Student Travel Awards 2017 – Southwest Chapter

The Southwest Chapter of the Ecological Society of America is offering travel awards ($400) available for students to support travel to the Annual ESA Meeting. Students wishing to apply for an award should send application materials to Anne Kelly (, Chair of the Southwestern Chapter by June 9th, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified of their award by June 29, 2017. Awardees are required to attend the Southwest Chapter business meeting at the Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon to receive their award.

Applications will be judged by Southwest Chapter elected officers. Criteria for the awards will be overall quality of the abstract, student progress toward their degree, the degree to which the abstract and research reflect ecological issues relevant to the American Southwest, and financial need.


1.      Applicants must be the presenting author of a paper or poster that has been accepted for presentation at the Annual ESA meeting.

2.      Applicants must be enrolled as graduate or undergraduate student members of the Southwestern Chapter at the time of their application. To join ESA and this chapter, visit If you have already renewed your membership, but have not added the Southwestern Chapter, please contact for assistance.

3.      Students, co-authors, employees, and relatives of current section officers are ineligible for this award. Previous awardees are ineligible.

Application materials are to be submitted via email in a single document (except the letter of recommendation) and include:

-A copy of the abstract accepted by ESA for presentation at the annual meeting, including the paper/poster number and date/session/time of presentation;

-A cover letter from the student describing the nature, importance, and relevance of the research to be presented, the student’s interest in attending the ESA meeting, and whether or not they have other forms of financial support; and a letter of recommendation from the student’s advisor.

Complete applications should be sent to Anne Kelly, Southwest Chapter Chair at with the subject line “ESA Southwest Chapter Student Travel Application.”

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Portland!