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ESA Soil Ecology Logo

The Soil Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America seeks to promote an understanding of the importance of soil biota among ecologists, soil scientists, and members of related disciplines, to encourage education and research in soil ecology, to sponsor meetings and publications for the communication of research and educational activities in soil ecology, and to increase student participation in the Society.

ESA Soil Ecology Section Officers, 2021-2023:
Dr. Lydia Zeglin, Chair, Kansas State University
Dr. Stephanie Kivlin, Vice-Chair, University of Tennessee
Dr. André Franco, Secretary, Colorado State University
Dr. Eva Stricker, Early Career Representative, University of New Mexico

Happy Summer Everybody!

As we count down to ESA 2023 in Portland, please be aware of these important Soil Ecology Section opportunities: Student Travel Award applications, Deborah Neher Career Award nominations, and Section Board Member nominations. All deadlines are JUNE 30, 2023. For more detail, read on or check our website (ESA Soil Ecology, Awards, Announcements)

Student Travel Awards

To apply for 2023 Student Travel Awards, use THIS LINK: Applications are due on June 30, 2023. We anticipate making 4 awards of $400 each. Criteria include:

  • Active student membership in the section at the time of application (required)
  • Abstract accepted to present a talk or poster in-person at the 2023 ESA Annual Meeting (required)
  • Priority will be given to students with greater financial need, who have not received ESA section support in the past year
  • Application Materials include: All required fields, abstract, statement of financial need and student benefit, statement of research relevance to Soil Ecology

The Deborah Neher Career Award honors someone who has made significant contributions to the field of Soil Ecology. See more detail here. Award nominations should include one letter of support, that may include multiple signatories, and should be emailed to Stephanie Kivlin ( by June 30, 2023.

Nominations for Section Board Positions:
Serving on the Board provides excellent national level networking and service opportunities!
Please contribute nominations for 2023-2025 Soil Ecology Section Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Early Career Representative, by June 30, 2023 at THIS LINK.

Online voting will be held in the month of July, and the new board members will assume duties after the ESA 2023 Annual meeting.

Feel free to reach out for more information on the roles:
Dr. Lydia Zeglin, Chair, Kansas State University;
Dr. Stephanie Kivlin, Vice-Chair, University of Tennessee;
Dr. André Franco, Secretary, Indiana University;
Dr. Eva Stricker, Early Career Representative, University of New Mexico;


