MEETING ALERTS      ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! PLEASE REGISTER ON-SITE     Filled Activities – FT-14, WK-5, and WK-10 Canceled Activities – FT-1, FT-2, FT-5, FT-7, FT-8, FT-10, WK-1, WK-6, WK-40 , and WK-22     ACCOMMODATIONS ALERT     Dorms are sold out!                              Room & Ride Share Forum is functioning                              

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

The answers to most of the common questions are in the program on pages 6 and 7.

Information on Portland (directions, transit, restaurants, things to do): There should be a concierge in the Oregon Convention Center who will have information about the surrounding area, maps, and so on.

Where is . . . ?: Direct attendees to the floor plans, reprinted in the program, and posted on the ESA Meeting Highlights board near the Registration desks.

ESA Message Board: Encourage attendees to use the ESA message boards to leave notes for other attendees, and to check for messages for them. Staff and volunteers should NOT relay messages for attendees.

Lost and found: Lost and found is available at the Info desk.

Luggage storage: Attendees may leave luggage at the Onsite Registration/Info desks. It must be marked with their name and phone number and it must be picked up by 12 PM Friday. ESA takes no responsibility for the security of these items.

Name Badges: If an attendee needs to have a new name badge made, direct him/her to the Onsite Registration Desk.

Student Volunteers: All questions should be directed to the Student Volunteer Coordinator, Andrea Melnychenk. She can be contacted by posting a message on the message board in the ESA staff office (D131).

Tech Support: (for solving problems in current sessions only!) Text just the room number to   

Daycare: Room C125



Testing Slides: Presenters can sign up for a time slot in a speaker ready room at the Information Desk.

Loading Slides for Talks: All presenters should go to the room in which they are presenting 15 minutes before the session starts. At this time, a student projectionist will assist all presenters in loading their presentations on the laptop in the room. We ask that presenters not use their own computers if this can be avoided, as a courtesy to other speakers whose time may be affected if something goes wrong. If they insist, we allow it, but ask that they use their own talk time for any connection/disconnection and troubleshooting.

Hanging Posters: All posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall, and the hours are on page 7 in the program. They can only use push pins, which we provide. Presenters should hang posters in the morning if they can (7-11:30 AM), and it’s very important that they remove them at the end of the poster session. They should NOT hang them up the night before for the next evening’s session. If they miss their presentation time and need to reschedule they should email Jennifer Riem.

Help! Someone Else’s Poster Is On My Poster Board: First, look the person up in the program and make sure they have the right board number. This is often the source of the confusion. PS 1-15 uses board #15, not board #1. If they do have the right board, text Jennifer Riem and she will move the other poster to the correct board.


Student Awards

Buell/Braun (official ESA student awards): Ballots for the Buell/Braun awards should go in the ballot box near the Info Desk. Judges received forms by email but there are a few extra print copies at the Info Desk. We also have copies of their instructions and the judging schedule.

Section awards (there are a number of these): Separate from Buell/Braun, a few sections also judge student presentations with ballots. Please encourage the judge to contact the person in charge of the award rather than drop the ballot off at the Info Desk. But if needed, the student volunteers at the Info Desk can accept the ballots from them. They should NOT be dropped into the Buell/Braun ballot box. They go into a special folder the Info Desk volunteers have.