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Field Trips

View the Conference Schedule at a Glance here   We are excited to offer two field trip opportunities: Field trip 1. Tour of the San Jose State University Biological Specimens Collection. Friday, October 3, 2014 at 4:45 PM – 6:00 PM. Field trip 2.  Monterey Bay Aquarium with a Behind-the-Scenes walk.  Sunday 8:30 am – 3:30 PM. This is a post-conference field trip. Participants must be registered for the conference to participate in these trips. Sign-up for field trips with registration. If you have already registered for the conference and would like to add this trip to your list of conference events please e-mail

Tour the amazing San Jose State University Biological Specimens Collection

121804-004-F3E2E486 SJSU boasts several collections of world renown.  The entomology collection contains more than 1 million described species, drawing numerous researchers to their holdings!!  The herbarium has about 15,000 species and the Botany Garden houses more than 100 native plants. Take a tour of the splendid biodiversity of the West in an hour and learn how to access their database! Participants will be given the opportunity to explore:

  • Gordon Edwards Entomology Museum
  • Sharsmith Herbarium
  • Bird and Mammal Museum
  • SJSU Botany Garden
  • SJSU Greenhouse

Cost: $5 per conference attendee.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium (SOLD OUT)

Monterey_bay_aquariumJoin your fellow conference goers for a day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. With thousands of plants and animals representing over 600 hundred species, there will sure to be something that catches your attention. Perhaps it is the giant Kelp Forest exhibit or the new Tentacles exhibit, but in either case, you must attend to find out. Cost: $55 per conference attendee. The price includes entrance to aquarium, a behind the scenes tour, and round trip shuttle.

Cancellation Policy:

Participants will be notified by August  1, 2014 if the field trip will not take place. A refund of field trip payments for cancellations for any reason can be made on or before Friday, September 5, 2014.  No refund is possible after this date. Field trip attendance is transferable to another conference attendee.