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Thank you for your interest in ESA’s blog EcoTone! We hope you will help us make this blog a prominent voice in the world of ecology.

We have three simple guidelines that we ask you to comply with in your writing, either contributions or comments, for EcoTone.

  1. EcoTone is the official blog of the Ecological Society of America and any contributions you make will become the property of the Society.
  2. Your name will be associated with each post you contribute to the blog. Use The New York Times test when thinking about your submissions: Would you be comfortable with your post appearing on the front page of the newspaper? If not, think again. Please also review the disclaimer below.
  3. With the exception of direct quotes and references to other interesting stories, EcoTone features unique commentary and information on all topics related to ecological science. Please only contribute original content.

What You Should Write About

I want the ESA web site to make me proud to be an ecologist and of my affiliation with the organization.

The above came from a member as we planned our new web site and is a central reason why we created this blog. We want you to write about what makes you proud to be an ecologist. What do you find most fascinating in your current research, work, or teaching? Are you attending a meeting that you’re excited about? What has amused or amazed you? Enthused or angered you? Share it with other ESA members around the world!

Our blog coordinator will work with you individually to hone your topics before posting; however, they should be driven by that which makes you passionate about our field. Tell your story!

Please submit your contribution, with a suggested title and full contact information, to


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Blog Series 

The DEIJ special blog series hopes to promote a love of ecology from diverse perspectives and voices, foster divergent thinking, and encourage innovative solutions. Our goal is to celebrate the true breadth of the ecological community and address barriers to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Topics can include a range of subjects about career development, obstacles that need to be removed, personal experiences of being underrepresented in STEM, creating an inclusive work environment, environmental justice, or any topic related to DEIJ. We welcome all ideas.

Please submit your contribution, with a suggested title and full contact information, to Alison Mize, director of public affairs (


The Ecology of COVID-19 Blog Series 

In April 2020, ESA is launching a special limited edition blog series titled “Ecology and COVID-19” and we invite submissions for consideration to publish. We envision blogpost topics such as how the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines are affecting the collection for long-term data sets, research funding, and the ethics of going to remote field sites and possibly risking contamination to the local indigenous or isolated communities. On the research side, blogs presenting how disease ecology, population ecology or community ecology can play a role in understanding the origin and transmission of COVID-19 may be interesting topics.

Email Alison Mize, director of public affairs, for more information or to submit a blogpost idea.