Announcing new SciComm/Engagement Lit Review series!


By Christopher Michel from San Francisco, USA (Ladakh) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Our SciComm/Engagement Lit Review series launches this week!

The Lit Review series features contributed reviews of books and other scicomm and engagement resources. Reviews provide unique content about lit that has direct or indirect relevance to the wide range of scicomm careers, approaches, and interests of Section members.

We seek SciComm/Engagement Lit Reviews (book review-style), and we welcome co-authored reviews.

Editorial Details

  • The audience of the ESA Communication & Engagement Section blog is fellow scientists, SciComm educators, and SciComm practitioners (including scientists considering becoming communicators, those in transition, and those who are experienced communicators already).
  • We ask for at least one image (could be a photo, scan of a hand-written or drawn image, etc.). We ask for documentation of your right to reproduce the image, if it is not your own image.
  • All pitches and posts are subject to editorial approval and editing at all stages of the publishing process. We are happy to provide significant editing support should a contributor want or need. We invest in editing this way, because we ascribe to the philosophy that writing is thinking, and thus, iteration and revision are essential aspects of compelling and engaging writing.
  • Posts average ~500-1,000 words. Be sure your review has a SciComm angle, even if the book/article you reviewed was written for a broader audience (e.g., for all kinds of communicators). Your review must follow the SciComm Lit Review format described here – a series of brief sections, each prompted by a question relevant to readers of this series.

Please see the full contributor guidelines here, contact series editor Jennifer Purrenhage here, and stay tuned for our first review later this week!