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105th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Salt Palace Convention Center

Salt Lake City, Utah

Sunday, August 2 – Friday, August 7, 2020

We look forward to seeing you at the 105th ESA annual meeting in Salt Lake City this summer. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Harnessing the ecological data revolution”. For more information, please visit the meeting website

For information on previous conferences, please read more below

100th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting

Baltimore, Maryland

August 9 – 14, 2015

Please join the ESA Asian Ecology Section at the 100th ESA annual meeting in Baltimore this summer. The theme for this year’s meeting is “Science at the Frontier: Celebrating the ESA Centennial 1915-2015”. For more information, please visit the meeting website. We look forward to seeing you there!

The International Conference on
Reservoir Operation & River Management (ICROM)

The 3rd National Conference on
Reservoir Management & Hydroplant Operation,
Guangzhou and Three Gorges, China
September 17-23, 2005

The deadline for submitting abstract to ICROM is March 31, 2005. The Topics include Reservoir Operation, River Basin Management, Environment and Ecosystem, Dam Development and Impacts, Information Technology and Decision Support Systems. Please find more information at the conference website at The conference will have two phases. The first phase will be held at Guangzhou City, while the second phase will be for parallel presentations and field visits to Three Gorges. If interested please contact:

Yangbo Chen, Dr. Professor
Chairman, IOC of ICROM
Department of Water Resources and Environment
Sun Yat-Sen University
Guangzhou, 510275, China
Fax: 20 3402 2397

International Conference on
Circular Economy and Regional Sustainable Development 

Hangzhou, China, 01-04 November 2005

The first of its kind in China, the conference will bring together scientists, engineers, industry representatives, and governmental entities to consider sustainable development. Given the rapid growth of China’s economy and redistribution of its population, there is increasing recognition that resource exploitation by industrial, agricultural and urban development activities represents a potential serious threat to China’s natural resources and ecosystems. The motivation for the conference is to develop strategies for sustainable development and targets for reduced consumption. ESA is a co-sponsor of the conference, along with the Ecological Society of China, China Society of Natural Resources, Zhejiang Association of Science and Technology, and several additional organizations from the US and other countries.

ESA members are encouraged to plan to attend this important meeting. Deadline to submit an abstract is August 31, 2005. Your input will make all the difference to the success of the Conference. For more information please browse the Conference website:

Thank you very much for your time!

Contact: Mr. Bing Zhu, International Coordinator
Tel: 571-85106941
Fax: 571-85172009, Email:
For more information, visit the meeting website @

Biodiversity Conservation in Asia:
Current Status and Future Perspectives

Kathmandu, Nepal, November 17 – 20, 2005

The goal of this conference is to bring together practitioners of biodiversity conservation from throughout Asia, and the world, to share experiences and learn effective strategies for preserving Asia’s biodiversity. The anticipated outcome of the conference will be an enhanced understanding of how conservation biology can best be developed and promoted in Asia. Working together, we will strive for an improved working relationship between conservationists throughout the region. A post-conference excursion to Royal Chitwan Conservation Park will be available for interested persons. Submit abstracts by email to: Linda Whittaker at Please visit the SCB Asia Section website for more information on the conference logistics, venue, and registration procedures!

Workshop on Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation:
Consequences of Land-Use Policy

July 22-29, 2006
Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences invites ecologists from overseas to participate in a workshop “sustainable development and biodiversity conservation: consequences of land-use policy” to be held in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden at Menglun, Yunnan, between July 22-29, 2006, right after the annual meeting for the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation at Kunming between July 18-21 ( Each participant is expected to give a 30 min oral presentation (20 min talk and 10 min for questions) or a poster. The organizer will cover the local costs for the workshop participants (local transportation, meals, and rooms).

Financial supports are also available to cover partial costs of international transportation. Interested persons can provide a title of oral or poster presentation and affiliation information, and send them to Dr. Xiaoming Zou of University of Puerto Rico at, Dr. Jin Chen of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden at before Sept 5, 2005

Tentative Schedule:

July 21, arrive Kunming, registration;
July 22, leave Kunming to the Jingdong, about 10 hours drive;
July 23, continue to Ailaoshan Forest Research Station, about 2 hrs drive;
July 24, stay in Ailaoshan;
July 25, leave Ailaoshan to Banna, another 10 hrs drive;
July 26, workshop in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden;
July 27, continue oral and poster presentation;
July 28, visiting field sites in the garden area;
July 29, return to Kunming

Session No. 044 of XXII IUFRO World Congress
Brisbane, Australia, August 8-13, 2005

Symposium on Invasive plants in Forest Ecosystems

International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) in its XXII World Congress scheduled in Brisbane, Australia from August 8 to 13, 2005 has decided to offer an intellectually rich platform for discussion on managing this fast emerging global issue posing serious threat to forest resources. A session during this Congress is planned to discuss the Impact of Exotic Invasive Plant Species on the Forest Ecosystems tentative scheduled on Friday 12 August 2005. For more information, please visit or please contact:

Session Organizer
& Coordinator IUFRO 4.02.02, Coordinator IUFRO 8.02.05