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News and Announcements



June 12 2014

Applied Ecology will be giving out some new awards this year!  To be eligible for all the below awards, you must be an active member of the APPLIED ECOLOGY section.  Only costs $5.00!

FLASH Earth Stewardship contest for the best interdisciplinary presentation or poster that exemplifies Earth Stewards.  Co-hosted with Agrocecology and Human Ecology, the FLASH contest is a fun way to vote for your favorite interdisciplinary presentation or poster during the annual contest and win up to $250!!!  Come by our booth at ESA 2014 to get a ballot form and win FLASH prizes for best poster (announced at the end of ESA so you can vote many many times).

STUDENT TRAVEL AWARDS (for 2017 travel awards, go here)

Students interested in winning a student travel award can send a one-page self nomination and their ESA 2014 abstract to  Your nomination MUST include how your research fits under APPLIED ECOLOGY.  Interdisciplinary studies that look at human communities as well an ecology are particularly encouraged.  DEADLINE July 10, 2014

BIOBLITZ WINNER!  Participate in the annual Applied Ecology Bioblitz with American River Foundation and upload the most species into iNaturalist during the blitz!  Winners announced at the IGNITE BASH and Applied Ecology Business meeting (check agenda for time and location during annual meeting).  Community members participating in the bioblitz are eligible to win this award.

EARLY CAREER or NEW-TO-CAREER award for emerging scientists working on applied ecology and interdisciplinary projects that address Earth Stewardship and Applied Ecology.  Send one-page self nomination and ESA 2014 abstract to


NOTE:  Applied Ecology Awards are selected by the Applied Ecology Officers.  Participants must not receive a similar award from another ESA section during the same conference year.


Watch for the upcoming Section Ball in Sacramento!  ESA sections have partnered together to create a series of Ignite Sessions where you can meeting your section officers (dressed in appropriate costumes too) in a lively event with ESA President Jill Baron as the MC along with Hal Balbach, Conference Chair!