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Resources For Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ)

The reality of systemic racial disenfranchisement in the United States has never been so broadly apparent than it is today.

Given our mission at the ESA to strive towards diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) in the field of ecology as well as in society at large, we have dedicated this page to providing readers with a list of resources that have been suggested to us by the community.  ESA has not produced nor endorse these resources. 

In addition to the ESA reports and resources, we have included: a) resources for academic administrators and faculty and b) general resources that can be of use to anyone trying to stay informed on how we can approach issues of diversity from a variety of perspectives. We hope you find these helpful on your journey to dismantling racism in our science and society. 

ESA Journal Articles

ESA is pleased to share a list of published articles across the ESA Journals highlighting perspectives on diversity and inclusion from the scientific community. We hope that you find these resources useful as we strive to make active progress to ensure our organizational structure and programs are welcoming to communities of color and others who have been marginalized in society.

Environmental Justice in Ecological Research

Watch the recorded Water Cooler Chat held on December 11, 2020  or browse through notes and resources shared. 

The Environmental Justice in Ecological Research article collection explores papers published in Ecological Society of America (ESA) journals in the past thirteen years that have connected ecological theory to addressing socioecological system problems in developing the environmental justice research agenda. Since 2011, ESA has promoted conservation of natural resources not only to preserve global biodiversity but for human welfare, in its Earth Stewardship initiative. Environmental justice is one of the elements listed in the outlined human-environment interactions dimension within the 2018 ESA-endorsed Four-dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) curricular framework, which elevates integrating humans into the research and teaching of ecology (


ESA Reports and Resources

Resources for PIs, academic administrators and program faculty

General Materials


How to be an Ally

Educational Reform

Understanding Anti-Racism

Testimonies from the Community

Demographic Perspectives