Sign Up Form

If you are interested in learning more about the Transforming Ecology Education Research Coordination Network (TEE RCN) or would like us to reach out to you for an upcoming event, please fill out the form below. 
For questions related to 4DEE or the TEE RCN, please contact
4DEE Sign Up Form
1. I am interested in
2. How familiar are you with the 4DEE framework?
3. How did you hear about 4DEE?
Please specify which conference / network
6. You indicated that you are already familiar with 4DEE Framework. Would you like to give us some feedback?

Feedback Section

7. In your view, how useful is the 4DEE framework overall?
10. Do you currently teach ecology at any level?
11. What level of ecology do you currently teach (this semester)?
12. As an educator, what challenges do you anticipate in using this framework?
13. As an educator, what type of support would be helpful to you to implement the 4DEE approach to teaching?