Downloading Biology 280 Data Sets

  To download a data set from the Biology 280 course web page:

  1. Click on the link to the data set. This should bring up the data set on your monitor. It will probably be in comma-delimited text format (one line per case, with commas between values for each variable).
  2. In your browser, choose Save As from the File menu.
  3. Give the file whatever name you want and save it (it's best to save the file onto a floppy disk unless you're downloading to your own computer), but be sure to give it the suffix .txt.

To import the text file into a microsoft excel spreadsheet:

  1. Start excel on your computer
  2. Select Open from the file menu, and specify the filename that you saved the text file under (make sure you're in the right directory, e.g., on your floppy disk)
  3. Follow the instructions given by the Import Wizard, if necessary.

To import the text file into a SYSTAT (Windows version 10) data file:

  1. Start SYSTAT on your computer.
  2. Choose Open from the File menu, and specify the filename that you saved the text file under (make sure you're in the right folder, e.g., on your floppy disk)
  3. Specify that it is an ASCII Text file from the choices in the panel below the filenames.
  4. Click Open. SYSTAT will should the file in a new data editor window.
  5. Before you proceed with analyses, it's a good idea to save the file in SYSTAT format.  Chose Save As... from the File menu and give the file the same name as the text file, but save it as a Systat file (i.e., with an .syd suffix) from the choices listed at the bottom of the Save As dialog box.