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Call for Late-Breaking & Newsworthy Posters and Papers..
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Special (and limited) call for "Late-Breaking and Newsworthy" posters or papers for the 2004 ESA meeting in Portland.

The creation of sessions for the ESA joint meeting in Portland is now largely complete and we find that we can accommodate additional submissions as posters or oral contributed papers. Our objective, however, is not simply to fill up the program, but to include those whose results have come in too late to be able to submit an abstract by the regular deadline, as well as those who may have research presentations that are especially timely, important, and potentially newsworthy. If you feel that you fit in this category, we encourage you to submit an abstract.

 Our capacity is limited and acceptance of your late poster or paper submission is subject to the following conditions:

1. You must follow all of the rules for abstracts as given on the website.

2. Indicate whether you prefer a poster or an oral contributed paper presentation.  If you indicate that your prefer a paper presentation, please note that depending on space availability and topic, we may contact you to determine if you would be willing to give a poster presentation instead.

4.  We have a few available spaces left for oral paper presentations in already scheduled oral sessions during the week, and we plan a special oral session on Friday, August 6, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 noon, for particularly newsworthy papers.  All late breaking and newsworthy posters must be posted on Friday, August 6, by 8 AM and will stay up until 12:00 NOON. Presentations will be made from 8:30 AM to 10 AM. The Program Chairs will schedule all submitted posters and papers in the available time slots and the Friday sessions.

3. We will accept only as many submissions as we have room for. For this reason we can not guarantee that all abstracts submitted will be accepted.  The website will be closed as soon as we determine that we have as many submissions as we can accommodate.

5. Because these are late submissions, information on your poster or paper will not appear in the regular printed program. We will, however, prepare a program supplement with all late breaking poster and paper titles and abstracts which will be distributed to all attendees at the time of registration.

5. Late submitters, like all attendees, will be required to pay the full normal registration costs. See []. If you have any questions, email David Grow at (

CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT "Late-Breaking and Newsworthy" posters or papers

89th Annual Meeting

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