Event Requests

2017 ESA Annual Meeting
Portland, Oregon
August 6 – 11, 2017

Deadline: 5:00 PM Eastern (2:00 PM Pacific)
Thursday, April 27, 2017

All ESA Annual Meeting deadlines are 5:00 PM Eastern so that technical support and ESA staff assistance will be immediately available when submitters need it. If you begin your submission very close to the deadline, you are choosing to take a risk and we will not make an exception if you don’t complete your submission in time. The form automatically closes at 5:00 EST / 2:00 PST whether you have completed your submission or not.

About Event Requests

We invite event request for business meetings, mixers, and other social events for the 2017 ESA Annual Meeting. These events should not compete with the scientific sessions. Potential event times are breakfast, lunch, and evening socials. Each individual event needs to have an event request submitted for it even if the same group is holding multiple events.

Event Request Form

The information listed below must be submitted through the online submission form. It is provided here to assist you in planning your submission. The form may differ slightly from the version listed here. Event Request that are incomplete or received by email will not be considered. You may begin a submission and then return to edit it up until the deadline.

Proposal Format

The information listed below must be submitted through the online submission form. It is provided here to assist you in planning your submission. The form may differ slightly from the version listed here. Event Request that are incomplete or received by email will not be considered. You may begin a submission and then return to edit it up until the deadline.

Components of an event request

  • Event title
  • An organizer (Required; name, institution, and email).
  • Anticipated Number of Attendees
  • Anticipated A/V Equipment
  • Room set-up: theater, theater with a panel table, round tables, conference, classroom hollow square.
  • Beverage request: none, coffee, soda and water, lemonade cash bar, open bar, drink tickets.
  • Requested session day and time:
  • 7:00 – 8:00 AM
  • 11:30AM – 1:15 PM
  • 12:00 – 1:15 PM
  • 6:30 – 8:00 PM Wednesday
  • Are there any other sessions proposed for the meeting that this session should NOT conflict with?
  • Is there a session (formal scientific session, business meeting, mixer) that this session is intended to immediately precede or follow?
  • ESA Sections, Chapters and Standing Committees ONLY are you interested in an exhibit booth

Other important information to consider

Acceptance of your event request does not obligate ESA beyond providing a meeting space and including the event in the program. ESA Sections, Chapters, and Standing Committees if any food, beverage, or A/V equipment is order, those costs will be deducted from your operating budget. If an outside group orders food, beverage or A/V equipment ESA will invoice you at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting and payment is required within 30 days. If you have questions during the planning process, please contact Christi Nam, christi@esa.org.

When Confirmed

All event organizers will be receiving confirm of their event in mid-May. Once the event has been confirmed, your room location will be assigned as well. At this time, those that have selected that they are interested in ordering food and beverage will receive menu options to select from.

Cancellation Policy

Once an event request has been confirmed and listed online, cancellation imposes a serious burden. Do not submit a request if you are uncertain that you will be able to fulfill your obligation. If for some reason you must cancel your event, it has to been done by July 5, 2017. Cancellations after this date may incur a cancellation fee.

Important Dates

April 27, 2017 Deadline for submitting a proposal to ESA.
Mid-May, 2017 Room Assignments will be issued. Menu options sent to organizers that ordered food and / or beverages.
July 5, 2017 Final event attendance due to ESA.


You must submit your event request using the online submission form. Events sent by email will not be considered. When you submit your proposal, you will be automatically notified of receipt by an email sent to the address that you provide. If you do not receive such a notification, please contact Convention and Meetings Manager Christi Nam at christi@esa.org to confirm that your proposal was received. You will be able to return to the event to edit it until the submission deadline has passed. Information on how to do so will be included in the automated email.

Event Forms


Christi Nam Conventions and Meetings Manager Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 213 Fax: (202) 833-8775 Email: christi@esa.org