Profile of Dr. Dov Sax

Brown University
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Box G-W
Providence, RI 02912
Phone: (401) 863-9676
Fax: (401) 863-2166

Current Position: Assistant professor, Brown University

Education: Ph.D. Biology, University of New Mexico, 1999

Dr. Sax’s research involves the study of species invasions and the response of species to climate change, with a particular emphasis on understanding and preventing species extinctions. His work on species invasions spans local-scale studies on the relationship between native and invading species, to broad biogeographic patterns of invasions across entire continents, and patterns of invasion and subsequent extinction on islands worldwide. His work on species responses to climate change focuses on how individual species will move through the environment and across large areas as climate changes. He is also evaluating “adaptation” strategies that can be used to prevent extinctions for species that are unlikely to survive climate change without human assistance, for example, managed relocation (assisted colonization and assisted migration). Dr. Sax has led international working groups on species invasions, natural resource adaptation to climate change, and on identifying the foundations and frontiers of biogeographic research (the study of how biodiversity changes over space and time). In 2001 he co-founded the International Biogeography Society, for which he subsequently served as Secretary and Director-at-Large. He has been an external reviewer for a European Union project, studying the challenges facing biodiversity across Europe. He is an invited expert to DIVERSITAS, an international biodiversity program.

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