Ecological Society of America

Resource links related to the Gulf Oil Accident

National Audubon Society
NAS is collecting data to help in the recovery of bird populations and their habitats in the Gulf region

Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders is tracking the damage the oil has caused to wildlife, including birds, sea turtles, and  marine mammals.

The National Wildlife Federation
NWF  is enhancing existing programs designed to protect coastal wetlands and the Everglades.

The Society of Wetland Scientists
SWS has developed an interactive library, searchable by keyword, that archives links, documents and images related to the impacts of oil on wetlands; anyone can add to this library.

Society of Environmental Toxicology
SETAC has made all its journal articles related to oil pollution open access.

Ecological Society of America
ESA has set up a data registry at in which anyone with information about prior ecological or environmental conditions along the Gulf of Mexico’s coastal ecosystems can upload metadata. The goal is build a database documenting ecological states and conditions before the spill.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA has data on coastal monitoring and assessment available.

U.S. Geological Survey
USGS has an assortment of satellite imagery, weather scenarios, and resources from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center on oil pollution impacts on birds.

Environmental Protection Agency
EPA’s website offers air, water, and sediment data as well as a Q&A section:

National Science Foundation
NSF has announced the availability of rapid response research grants for Gulf of Mexico oil spill research.

Consortium for Ocean Leadership has announced a research opportunity related to the Gulf oil accident:.

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