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Federation Meetings > Opportunities for Collaboration 

Representatives of Ecological Societies from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Untied States and Venezuela met August 2, 2003 in Savannah, Georgia. The opportunities for collaboration identified at the meeting are listed below.

August 5, 2003

Opportunities for Collaboration among the Ecologists of the Americas – ACTION PLAN


  • Draft a statement of actions developed during the meeting for circulation among Societies and post on web
  • Establish a cooperative federation, initially of the groups participating in the August 1, 2003 meeting.
  • Complete outreach to Brazil and other Latin American organizations
  • Develop communication strategy that we exist and want to work together
  • Messages: Potential for the federation – (1) Awareness to organizations/policy makers of the capability to provide expert panels on critical ecological issues especially for multi-national deliberation, (2) identify research and science priorities
  • Develop funding package/strategy to seek funding from Foundations, international organizations, etc.
  1. Promoting Science/research
    1. letter to NSF in support of IAI
    2. Establish a website side bar on ESA site – link to website of other societies; include meeting announcements, etc
    3. Establish multi-Society, Presidential list-serve
    4. Identify linkages to ESA Visions Committee recommendations – internationalization of ESA
    5. Cooperating Ecological societies offer special deals to cooperating Societies on publication subscriptions and page charges
    6. Translate ESA publication abstracts into Spanish; start with Frontiers
    7. Evaluate and establish Canadian and South American chapters ;  identify a champion in South America


    1. Translate, print and distribute Issues and Frontiers
    2. Develop a thematic meeting (winter 2005/2006) focusing on topic common to North, Central and South America (topics: invasive species, mercury pollution, *tar sands/oil shale, ecosystem services, protected lands and eco-tourism, migratory species)


    1. Full scale meeting of the ecologists of the Americas; coincident with ESA annual meeting? – ESA budget subsidization required 
  2. Education
    1. (a) Identify and provide support for outstanding Latin American students to attend ESA Annual meeting
    2. Award for best Latin American student presentation at ESA annual meeting
    1. Enable graduate students to spend part of program in the laboratory of another country – not registered as students but can audit courses (see Canadian example)
    2. (b) Promote Post-doc exchange – networking among the countries/ web posting
    3. Visiting Scholars program
    4. Virtual mentor program within North and South America


    1. Establish faculty exchange program within the Americas (e.g. Fulbright model) 

  3. Outreach/ Public Affairs
    1. Compile list of societies and organizations which represent ecologists and ecological issues (e.g. INDERENA Colombia)
    2. Provide outcome of this meeting to other country societies (e.g. Brazil) or organizations (e.g. National Institute of Biodiversity in Costa Rica)
    3. Replicate the PAO visit to Ottawa in Mexico City and to other country governments (e.g. Brazil) – operating through in-country socieities/academies SEEK NSF/NASA SUPPORT
    4. Meeting among ecological societies/academies on their education and outreach efforts – what works? What doesn’t?

    1. Develop common statements on critical environmental issues that can be used by all Societies/academies
    2. Develop new Issues in Ecology that have a pan-American concern
    1. Develop network to facilitate using experts from any country to respond to emerging policy issues


Last updated: August 18, 2008
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