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Conference Program & Abstracts

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Conference Publications include a 17 page Conference Summary Statement (available as stand-alone (pdf) and the list paper in the Contributed Papers), a 70 page Conference Report (pdf), Contributed Papers published by A.A. Balkema & TheScientificWorld, and publication of plenary papers in a Special Issue of the journal Ambio (March 2001, in English & Chinese). NitroGenius, a nitrogen decision support interactive computer simulation game. The findings of the Conference are being disseminated through Post Conference Activities that include distribution of the products and a series of targeted briefings for decision makers.

Conference Publications

Conference Summary Statement (pdf) (hard copies available through ESA n2001@esa.org):
Cowling, E. B., Galloway, J. N., Furiness, C. S., Barber, M.C., Bresser, T.,
Cassman, K., Erisman, J. W., Haeuber, R., Howarth, R.I, Melillo, J.,
Moomaw, W., Mosier, A., Sanders, K., Seitzinger, S., Smeulders, S.,
Socolow, R., Walters, D., West, F., and Zhu, Z. 2001. Optimizing Nitrogen
Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental
Protection: Summary Statement from the Second International Nitrogen
Conference, October 14-18, 2001. Ecological Society of America,
Washington, DC. 17 pp.

Conference Report (pdf):
Cowling, E. B., Galloway, J. N., Furiness, C. S., and Erisman, J. W. 2002. Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection: Report from the Second International Nitrogen Conference, October 14-18, 2001. Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC. 70 pp.

Conference Program and Abstracts (pdf):
Ecological Society of America. 2001. Program and Abstracts for the Second International Nitrogen Conference. http://n2001.esa.org

Conference Contributed Papers:
Galloway, J. N., Cowling, E. B., Erisman, J. W., Wisniewski, J., and Jordan, C. (eds). 2002. Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection: Contributed papers of the Second International Nitrogen Conference, Potomac, MD, 14-18 October 2001. Publisher: A.A. Balkema & TheScientificWorld. ISBN: 90 265 1927 3. 1033pp.

Plenary Papers in Special Issue of Ambio:
Galloway, J. N., and Cowling, E. B.,  (eds). 2002. Plenary Papers of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference, Potomac, MD, 14-18 October 2001. Ambio 31.

Paper on Air Quality Management in Swine Industry (pdf)
"Air Emission from Swine Production Facilities: Assessment of Science and Market-Based Solutions." An analysis and assessment of current and future air quality management concerns now facing the swine industry. Emphasis will be given to both the existing and potential technical (science-based) policy options and economic (market-based) policy possibilities for improving the management of air emissions at swine rearing and processing facilities.


NitroGenius, is an interactive game computer simulation game that helps environmental managers and stakeholders: 1) understand the complexity of nitrogen-management problems, 2) learn to choose among available control measures, and 3) improve communication among stakeholders. NitoGenius was developed by the Dutch government for the Second International Nitrogen Conference to help solve the Dutch nitrogen problem. Fifty sessions of the game were played at the Conference with participants taking the roles of government, industry, and NGOs. For further information and to download a free demo version at http://www.nitrogenius.com/

Post Conference Activities

To ensure an enduring influence of the Second International Nitrogen Conference on the nitrogen-relevant research and policy communities in the US and abroad, a series of post conference activities have taken place and continue for leaders in federal, state, and provincial agencies, Congressional and Parliamentary leaders, universities, and Science and Agriculture Attachés in various embassies in Washington DC. These briefings are based on the Conference Summary Statement (pdf), and the plenary presentations, contributed paper and poster presentations, and round-table discussions that took place at the Conference. These briefings are a critical mechanisms of communication with science and policy leaders in industry, government, and public-interest groups concerned with food and energy production and environmental protection.

Some of the N2001 post-conference activities that have taken place:

  • Speech at the August 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, "Nitrogen in the Netherlands", given by the Dutch secretary of state for the environment Pieter van Geel.
  • Adaptation of integrated approach towards reactive nitrogen compounds by the directors for the environment of the Dutch ministry for the environment, to be worked out in 2003.
  • Research project that calculated nitrogen emission ceilings on a regional scale for the Netherlands, initiated by regional authorities.
  • Briefing with Dr. Keith Collins, Chief Economist of USDA on April 14, 2002.
  • Briefing for leaders within the Environmental Affairs Office within the Attorney General's Office for the State of North Carolina in Raleigh, NC on September 4, 2002.
  • Briefing for leaders within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, State of North Carolina in Raleigh, NC on September 18, 2002.
  • Workshop titled "Nitrogen Management for Food Security and Ecosystem Security" held as part of the Science Forum associated with the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg August 29, 2002.
  • Symposium for Washington DC government, NGO and industry representatives February 26, 2002 at the National Academy of Sciences
  • Poster entitled at the Capital Hill exhibition and reception of the Coalition for National Science Funding on May 15, 2002, Washington DC.
  • Presentation at the Annual Meeting of The Fertilizer Institute in January 2002.
  • Presentation at USDA on April 13, 2002.
  • Presentation at a southern regional Workshop titled "From Brown to Green: Environmental and Biological Aspects of Applying Agricultural and Municipal By-Products to Forest Stands." Sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service at North Caroline State University on May 29-30, 2000.
  • Presentation of at an National Science Foundation Workshop on "Environmentally Benign Process Research Needs" at Hancock, Massachusetts on August 14-16, 2002.
  • Presentation at an Agrochemical Division Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, Massachusetts on August 20, 2002.
  • Presentation at the Annual meeting of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program in Seattle Washington on September 12, 2002.
  • Symposium at February 2003 AAAS meeting in Denver Colorado "Meeting the Nitrogen Management Challenge: Arresting the Nitrogen Cascade" (Presentation PowerPoint).

Contact webmaster at esa.org for the files on this page.

Ecological Society of America  
American Society of Agronomy USDA Agriculture Environmental Protection Agency
  Crop Science Society of America Dutch Ministry of Housing.. The Fertilizer Institute
  Soil Science Society of America USGS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration